Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Meeting old friends...

February 2010 will go down as a month dedicated to old friends. My husband caught up with 5 of his friends who were with him in Grade VIII after 32 years in Chennai and I caught up with 3 old college friends (after an average of 10 years plus!)

What is with meeting old friends? My husband could not stop grinning for ages after his 5 hour marathon session with his friends and I am feeling generally very good with life after Saturday, when I met these guys!

The nostalgia is really something. Also the fact that there are no pretensions - I mean your now does not matter as they all know your then...

The friends - Sunder (who I was meeting after 16 years or so), Salil (after 11 years or so) and Giggle (after 2-3 years) - all got together as Sunder was visiting from Australia, where he has been for donkey's years. It was an impromptu meeting and I had all of an hour's notice. And It was great fun!!!

We remembered old things - bitched some more, focused on the "great" and "not-so-great" times and it was funny how much we were able to recapture individually.

Friends are good for our very being... And old friends are the icing on the cake.

I spoke with Johney from college a month ago and this was after ages (atleast 10 years or so!)... and the feeling was great!

The nicest thing about friends of "long standing" or "chaddi-dost" is that they have seen you grow up and therefore they know you as the person you are rather than the individual that you have become. And they are perfectly content to accept the incongruities between both..

Thank God for frineds and I firmly believe that "Friends are God's economic response to expensive psychiatrists".

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